
Fakulteterne på Catholic University i Lille tager Sennheisers innovative lydteknologi i brug

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MobileConnect er blevet implementeret for at hjælpe elever med høretab

Sennheiser, der er førstevalget inden for avanceret lydteknologi der gør samarbejde og læring lettere, er glad for, at deres MobileConnect-teknologi til assisteret lytning er blevet udvalgt til at blive implementeret i alle amfiteatre og klasseværelser med plads til mere end 50 personer på fakulteterne på det katolske universitet i Lille, Frankrig. De afgørende kriterier for valget af MobileConnect var bl.a. brugervenlighed, den høje lydkvalitet samt den ekstraordinære ergonomi i forbindelse med den specialiserede applikation. MobileConnect var et perfekt match til universitetsprojektet "Taking Care", som ledes af rektor Patrick Scauflaire. Alt for ofte kan en høreforstyrrelse nemlig føre til en form for udelukkelse fra det sociale liv, som begynder allerede i skolen. Det katolske universitet i Lille har med deres grundlæggende værdier om åbenhed engageret sig i at byde alle, der ønsker at tage en videregående uddannelse, velkommen.

An optimal solution to meet a major challenge
The "Programmed Accessibility Agenda" project of the Faculties at the Catholic University of Lille required a contemporary approach to assisted listening. The specifications, therefore, required a solution that was user-friendly, hygienic and easily scalable for a centralized hardware solution. The solution proposed by Sennheiser was obvious thanks to the "Bring-Your-Own-Device" concept. The audio stream is sent directly to the students' personal smartphones, making it easily accessible and intuitive to use. People with hearing loss do not have to ask for a specific receiver device and can settle anywhere the faculty's WiFi ​ is available.

MobileConnect uses the existing Wi-Fi network so no special services need to be installed.
MobileConnect uses the existing Wi-Fi network so no special services need to be installed.
Students have access to the service throughout the campus: simply select the channel number in the app on their smartphone or scann a QR code.
Students have access to the service throughout the campus: simply select the channel number in the app on their smartphone or scann a QR code.

A solution for personal listening and future-proof assistance ​

As a centralized solution for assisted listening, the 20 MobileConnect stations are located in the server room and span several buildings. This streaming system with hearing assistance delivers high-definition sound to the student's smartphone, thus transforming it into an audio receiver. MobileConnect converts a speaker's microphone signals into audio streams that can be easily accessed via the campus Wi-Fi system. Therefore, students wearing hearing aids, cochlear implants or headphones can comfortably follow the lectures, with barely noticeable latency.

The MobileConnect app provides easy access to all audio streams provided by the MobileConnect station.
The MobileConnect app provides easy access to all audio streams provided by the MobileConnect station.
"MobileConnect offers us great flexibility because it not only enables assisted listening, but also allows for live translation and audio retransmission in other rooms with Dante. This flexibility is important for us as an educational institution," says Aurélien Trancart, multimedia project manager for the Faculties of the Catholic University of Lille.
Vianney Delory, multimedia manager for the Faculties of the Catholic University of Lille, adds: "The users of the solution are fully autonomous. Students who have a hearing implant or have any disability they don't want to show can scan the QR code at the entrance. This is an undeniable advantage over assisted listening via induction loops where users must sit in the front rows. With MobileConnect, they can place themselves wherever they want in the room.”

Another major asset of MobileConnect for the Faculties of the Catholic University of Lille lies in the hygienic dimension. Students can use their own smartphones to access the audio stream. There is no need to distribute and clean rental devices for assisted listening, which minimizes health risks.

The team of Faculties of the Catholic University of Lille is very satisfied with this assisted listening equipment and its collaboration with Sennheiser. "The new configuration met exactly our expectations. The cooperation with the Sennheiser team is excellent. We have very good support and we get quick and efficient answers in case of problems or questions," says Aurélien Trancart.

More information about the Faculties of the Catholic University of Lille here.



We live and breathe audio. We are driven by a passion to create audio solutions that make a difference. Shaping the future of audio, delivering remarkable sound experiences to our customers – that's what the Sennheiser brand has stood for for more than 75 years. Professional audio solutions such as microphones, conference systems, streaming technologies and monitoring systems are part of the business of Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG. While consumer equipment, such as headphones, soundbars, headphones and hearing aids, are developed and distributed by Sonova Holding AG under license from Sennheiser.

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Trine Simonsen

Holm Kommunikation



Om brandet Sennheiser

Vi lever og ånder for lyd. Vi er drevet af en passion for at skabe lydløsninger, der gør en forskel. At skabe fremtidens lyd og give vores kunder bemærkelsesværdige lydoplevelser er det, som Sennheiser-brandet har stået for i mere end 75 år. Mens professionelle lydløsninger som mikrofoner, konferencesystemer, streamingteknologier og monitoreringssystemer er en del af Sennheiser electronic SE & Co. KG, drives forretningen med forbrugerudstyr som hovedtelefoner, soundbars og taleforstærkende enheder af Sonova Holding AG under licens fra Sennheiser.