Mød TeamConnect-familien til Sennheisers Roadshow
24. oktober 2023
Næste stop er København den 24. oktober
København, 24. oktober, 2023 - Sennheiser, det foretrukne valg når det gælder avanceret lydteknologi, der gør samarbejde og læring lettere, fortsætter sin Meet the TeamConnect Family Roadshow 2023 med et stop i København tirsdag den 24. oktober. Roadshowet vil turnere over hele kloden for at vise og demonstrere TeamConnect Family-virksomhedens kommunikationssportefølje til distributører, konsulenter, integratorer og forhandlere.
Sennheiser will be using the roadshow as an opportunity to visit cities all over Europe, South Africa, and the Middle East. At each stop on the roadshow, the Business Communications team will be demonstrating some of Sennheiser’s newest and most innovative products, including the TeamConnect Bars, the most feature-rich all-in-one conferencing devices in their class, and the TeamConnect Ceiling Medium with beamforming technology.
Attendees will be encouraged to get ‘hands-on’ with these newest innovations and engage with Sennheiser technical experts to gain deeper insights into the features and benefits of the TeamConnect Family and how the products can enhance collaboration in working and learning environments.
In addition to Worcester, the roadshow will also stop in South Queensferry, Scotland on October 19.
Register to attend one of the roadshow stops and spend the day learning more about how the Sennheiser TeamConnect Family can suit the size and set up of any meeting space.
Register for free here: https://en-us.sennheiser.com/sennheisers-roadshow-introduce-cutting-edge-audio-solutions

Tor Asbjørn Hegge