Sennheiser annoncerer deres nye TeamConnect Ceiling Medium Ceiling Tile
4. februar 2025
Nye installationsmuligheder for mødeopkald afsløres på ISE 2025
Barcelona, Spanien – 4. februar 2025 – Sennheiser, den førende producent inden for avanceret lydteknologi, er glade for at kunne annoncere en ny installationsvariant for deres TeamConnect Ceiling Medium (TCC M). Den nye variant - TeamConnect Ceiling Medium Ceiling Tile (TCC M CT) - vil blive afsløret for første gang ved Integrated Systems Europe (ISE)-konferencen 2025 på stand 3B500 og 3B550 på Fira Barcelona Gran Via i Barcelona i Spanien den 4.-6. februar.
The TCC M CT allows for even easier installation of the TCC M into suspended grid ceilings, thereby reducing installation time and costs for integrators on site. The tile comes in a 60 cm square solution and a 2 ft square solution, primarily for the US market.

The new ceiling tile rounds out the TCC Solutions offering. Its sleek design blends into any environment making the TCC M the most versatile ceiling solution to fit every space. TCC M CT will be available as an assembled kit including a TCC M, front plate and safety ropes. For retrofit installations, the front plate can be ordered as an accessory.

The TCC M allows integrators the versatility to offer elevated meeting experiences across a range of flexible and hybrid meeting spaces and learning environments. With its adaptive, intelligent beamforming technology, the TCC M ensures Trusted Sennheiser Audio Quality every time. Seamless integration with single cable mode and numerous design and installation options ensure TCC M transforms any room into a hub of collaboration.
The new TCC M CT will be sold as an assembled kit at the same dealer and retail prices as current TCC M flush and surface mounted kit options for every region. General availability is expected in Q2 2025.
More information about TCC M and the new TCC M CT can be found here.
High-resolution product pictures can be downloaded here.
High-resolution application photos can be downloaded here.
Jeffrey Horan
Amanda Grøntved-Grube