Sennheiser Hosts Free RF Workshop for Customers and Audio Professionals
WHAT: Sennheiser Australia is hosting a full day workshop in Melbourne to provide customers and audio professionals with a greater understanding of wireless technologies.
Sennheiser’s RF Experts will be providing free in-depth radio frequency training throughout the new course this April 2019, which is packed with new content and speakers.
The experts will be exploring the details of the following: antenna selection, placement, splitting, combining and boosting, squelch, pilot tone, commanding, diversity, codecs and latency, multichannel system planning and intermodulation, network integration and management and rules for success.
There will also be a hands-on workshop with Sennheiser’s Wireless Systems Manager and Control Cockpit Software, covering planning, monitoring and controlling wireless microphone and IEM systems.
WHERE: The Langham Hotel, 1 Southgate Avenue, Southbank, Melbourne, 3006
WHEN: Tuesday, 2nd April 2019
WHO: The workshop is available for customers and audio professionals, held by Sennheiser’s RF Experts. Limited places available, please RSVP to as soon as possible so that you don’t miss out.
Stay tuned for workshops coming soon to other cities around Australia.