ISE 2019
29 januari 2019
Digital affärstransformation med Sennheiser
Amsterdam/Wedemark, January 30, 2019 – Between February 5th and 8th, Sennheiser puts its portfolio of business solutions in the focus. The main topic will be “digital business transformation”: The audio specialist shows how the newest solutions and products can support companies best in their change to digital businesses. One of the highlights is the new ceiling microphone TeamConnect Ceiling 2, which users can test in a live demo room at the tradeshow. Additionally, Sennheiser experts are inviting visitors to the Education Corner, where they can get to know and experience product solutions for this sector. Visit Sennheiser at booth 2-B50 and experience the future of business communications.
Companies often face unexpected challenges during their digital transformation: They have to question and rework themselves, their products and services as well as all of the connected processes. A development towards digital companies is necessary to make themselves ready for the future. This process of change is facilitated by fitting solutions: Sennheiser therefore develops its business portfolio steadily in order to support companies in this change as a trusted partner.

The new world of business communications by Sennheiser
The audio specialist presents selected solutions for presentations, meetings and conferences from the business portfolio at the booth. In a live demo room, visitors can experience the TeamConnect Ceiling 2 ceiling array microphone and the Sennheiser Control Cockpit software at all times.
The highlight of the tradeshow, TeamConnect Ceiling 2, offers a completely new dimension of audio conferences to users and enables a smooth transition between virtual and personal meetings. The ceiling microphone convinces with adaptive beamforming technology: The participants of the meeting can move freely in the room while speaking, while being focussed by the microphone automatically; this technique, which is unique in the market, has been patented by Sennheiser. The new version of the ceiling microphone seamlessly integrates into existing IP networks but can also be used with analogue conferencing systems. The microphone can, amongst other options, be controlled through the browser based Sennheiser Control Cockpit software and is compatible with Dante Domain Manager.

Education solutions by Sennheiser
Another focal point of Sennheiser’s participation at ISE is the education section with the audio specialist showing its solutions for organisations such as universities. The streaming system MobileConnect, for example, offers individual hearing assistance through smartphones by streaming audio content live and in exceptional quality via Wi-Fi to an app on the user’s own smartphone. On their smartphone, users can dial in individual sound settings and listen to the audio on headphones, via hearing aids or cochlea implants.

The audio specialist will also be displaying various wireless microphone solutions, including the SpeechLine Digital Wireless, evolution wireless 300 G4 and Digital 6000. This digital microphone series will be expanded with the availability of the SK 6212 mini-bodypack transmitter from March on.
Find more information about Sennheiser at ISE here:
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Patric Backlund