
Perfekt lyd for de vakreste øyeblikkene


Wedemark, November 2019 – Dersom du er lidenskapelig opptatt av å fange de vakre øyeblikkene så gir julen en rekke muligheter til det. Gode bilder er viktig for kunne fange magien, men lyden er også avgjørende. Hvorfor ikke overraske familie og venner med utstyr som gir videoene fra julen virkelig god lyd? Sennheisers brede utvalg av mikrofoner passer til både amatører og profesjonelle.


What you see is what you hear

  • Two matched mini shotgun mics capture the audio you want, while rejecting sound outside the camera angle
  • Robust and compact all-metal construction
  • 3-level sensitivity adjustment and low-cut for perfectly levelled festive sound

MSRP: EUR 349 / GBP 289 / USD 349.95

  • Get the MZH 440 fur windshield for winter field recordings at NOK 439 (MSRP)


Heavenly sound without side effects

  • Thanks to its compact size and good side noise rejection, this mini-shotgun microphone is ideal for recording those festive moments
  • Perfectly levelled sound due to switchable sensitivity for long and short distances
  • Integral shock-mount for rejection of handling noise
  • Extremely robust with an all-metal housing

MSRP: NOK 1790

  • Get your MKE 400 the MZW 400 professional accessory kit for Christmas: With the included hairy windshield, it’s more than a match for wintery snow flurries!
    MSRP: ​ NOK 349


For demanding filmic challenges

  • Picks up sound from the direction the camera is pointing, thanks to its high directivity
  • Strong suppression of structure-borne noise; switchable low-cut filter to reduce wind noise
  • To enable you to tailor the shotgun mic to your camera, order the cable separately: get the KA 600 cable for DSLRs/DSLMs with mini-jack audio input, the KA 600i for smartphones with a mini-jack or a standard XLR cable for professional cameras
  • Your choice for outside recording in winter wonderland: the MZH 600, a combined foam windshield and hairy cover

MSRPs: MKE 600: NOK 1790
KA 600 and KA 600i connecting cables: NOK 119
MZH 600: NOK 439


Creating lasting memories

  • High-quality audio for your smartphone recordings
  • Memory Mic works with a dedicated app, downloadable from the App Store or Google Play
  • Simply clip the mic to the clothing, records audio at any distance from the smartphone
  • Automatically synchronizes the audio with your smartphone video

MRSP: NOK 1790


An instant connection

  • The ideal wireless audio partner for your DSLR or DSLM lets you capture speech with clarity
  • 2.4 GHz transmission for worldwide, license-free operation
  • Instantly ready for recording with one-touch ease of use – you won’t miss a single moment of your party with family and friends
  • Prefer to use this mic with your smartphone? A TRS to TRRS adapter will do the trick
  • Various sets provide the perfect equipment for the most common applications, for example the pictured XSW-D Portable Lavalier Set: NOK 3140 (MRSP)


Full focus on festive pictures

  • Match to your camera once and enjoy perfectly levelled sound for all recordings, whether during silent nights or at loud parties
  • Ideal for DSLRs/DSLMs or professional cameras, operates license-free in the 1.9 GHz range
  • Never worry about interference again: AVX selects the best operating frequency automatically and inaudibly
  • Various sets let you choose between lavalier mic, handheld mic or both, from the AVX-ME2 SET at NOK 6290 (MRSP) to the fully-fledged
    AVX-Combo SET at NOK 8990


📷 The high-resolution images accompanying this press release plus product images can be accessed here


Ingrid Hostbjor

Hill+Knowlton Strategies


Sennheiser_Gift Guide A4V_EN.pdf

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Sennheiser_Gift Guide A4V_EN.docx

DOCX - 1.9 Mb

Om Sennheiser-merkevaren

Vi lever og ånder for lyd. Vi drives av lidenskapen for å utgjøre en forskjell innen lydløsninger. Sennheiser-merkevaren har bygget fremtiden for lyd og gitt våre kunder fantastiske lydopplevelser i 75 år. Profesjonelle løsninger som mikrofoner, konferansesystemer, strømmeteknologi og overvåkningssystemer er del av virksomheten til Sennheiser electronic SE & Co. KG. Vi leverer også forbrukerelektronikk som hodetelefoner, lydplanker og taleforsterkede enheter. Dette drives av Sonova Holding AG under lisens fra Sennheiser.