
QCS esittelee pluginin Sennheiserin TeamConnect Ceiling 2:lle


Helsinki, Finland-Wedemark, 1 July 2020 – QSC has announced a plugin for Sennheiser’s TeamConnect Ceiling 2 microphone. The plugin allows for drag-and-drop integration into the Q-SYS audio, video and control Ecosystem, saving programming time and resources for AV integrators, programmers and consultants.

By deploying this plugin within the Q-SYS Ecosystem, users can easily configure and manage TeamConnect Ceiling 2, such as monitoring audio levels, and viewing, in real-time, the vertical and horizontal angle of the detected person speaking.


QSC has added a plugin for Sennheiser’s TeamConnect Ceiling 2 microphone to its Q-SYS Ecosystem

QSC has added a plugin for Sennheiser’s TeamConnect Ceiling 2 microphone to its Q-SYS Ecosystem


“Sennheiser is excited that QSC has added support for the TeamConnect Ceiling 2 to the Q-SYS Designer Asset Manager,” said Charlie Jones, Global Business Development Manager for Business Communications at Sennheiser. “The patented automatic beamforming technology of the microphone combined with the ease of integration into the Q-SYS Ecosystem allows integrators to deploy more meeting rooms even quicker than before, saving time and money.”

“The reality of our world has us all reconsidering how we design an effective meeting room,” said Greg Mattson, Product Manager, Q-SYS Control, QSC. “As meeting rooms continue to evolve, we are committed to providing pre-built plugins for some of the most common meeting room endpoints to easily expand the robust control capabilities of the Q-SYS Ecosystem.”

For more information on the Sennheiser plugin and the growing Q-SYS Control plugin library, please visit:


About QSC
Founded over five decades ago, QSC is a globally recognized leader in the design, engineering and manufacture of award-winning high-performance loudspeakers, digital mixers, power amplifiers, audio processors, digital cinema solutions, and the Q-SYS™ software-based audio, video and control Ecosystem. Offering reliable, scalable and flexible solutions for professional installed, portable, production, corporate and cinema applications, QSC puts customers first with its highly acclaimed sales, service, and support networks worldwide.


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Sennheiser-brändi lyhyesti

Äänentoisto on intohimomme. Toimintaamme ohjaa halu luoda äänentoistoratkaisuja, joilla on vaikutusta ihmisten elämään. Sennheiser-brändi on sitoutunut rakentamaan äänentoiston tulevaisuutta ja tarjoamaan asiakkailleen erinomaisia äänentoistokokemuksia jo yli 75 vuoden ajan. Ammattilaistason äänentoistoratkaisut, kuten mikrofonit, neuvottelujärjestelmät, suoratoistoteknologiat ja korvamonitorijärjestelmät, ovat osa Sennheiser electronic SE & Co. KG:n liiketoimintaa. Sonova Holding AG puolestaan vastaa kuluttajille suunnatuista laitteista, kuten kuulokkeista, soundbar-kaiuttimista ja puhetta selkeyttävistä kuulolaitteista, Sennheiserin myöntämällä lisenssillä.