
Sennheiser-konserni palkittiin vuoden 2024 parhaiten johdettuna yhtiönä

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Äänentoiston asiantuntija sai tunnustusta yhtenä Saksan parhaiten johdetuista yhtiöistä

Sennheiser-konserni palkittiin Saksassa yhtenä vuoden 2024 parhaiten johdetuista yhtiöistä. Poikkeuksellisen hyvin johdetuille yhtiöille annetun tunnustuksen myönsivät konsulttiyhtiö Deloitte Private, pankki- ja rahoituspalveluja tarjoava UBS, sanomalehti Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ja Saksan teollisuusliitto BDI. Sennheiserille tunnustus on paitsi osoitus yhtiön onnistuneesta kasvustrategiasta ja innovointikyvystä myös todiste Sennheiserin vahvasta yrityskulttuurista.

Lisää alla englanniksi.

"We are very pleased to be recognized as a Best Managed Company. Our goal is to build the future of audio – achieving this requires a clear strategy, investments in the future, and courageous decisions. This is what we understand as responsible corporate management," says co-CEO Andreas Sennheiser. Among the company’s major strategic decisions of recent years is its focus on the professional audio business, which was accompanied by the exit from the consumer electronics business. A decision that enabled the family-owned company to further expand its strong position in the professional audio market.

"As an independent family business, we aim to grow sustainably on our own. To achieve this, we invest in our core competencies based on our strategy, and thus in the future. Of course, we act prudently and plan for the long term," adds co-CEO Daniel Sennheiser. Research and Development has been one of the company's most important investment areas for years. Strengthening the company's own supply chain to remain as independent as possible from global supply chains, advancing digitalization, and exploring new business fields are also central themes of the investment strategy.

Evaluation in four areas
The "Best Managed Company" award, presented by Deloitte Private, UBS, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, and the Federation of German Industries (BDI), honors exceptionally well-managed companies. The evaluation is based on four key areas: 'Strategy,' 'Productivity and Innovation,' 'Culture and Commitment,' and 'Finance and Governance.' Sennheiser's unique corporate culture plays a significant role in this recognition. "We are very grateful for the amazing team we get to work with every day at Sennheiser; a globally diverse team where everyone gives their best daily to create unique sound experiences for our customers," explains co-CEO Daniel Sennheiser. His brother, Andreas Sennheiser, adds, "All the products and services we offer to our customers are based on the knowledge, experience, and passion of our employees. Therefore, it is essential to preserve our unique corporate culture. Additionally, we constantly question what we know, what we do, what we are capable of, and what new skills we need to acquire as a team."

International competition for best-managed companies
For the jury, the award winners are a role model for other companies to shape the future with strategic vision, innovative strength, a sustainable management culture and good corporate governance. "Sennheiser and the other award-winning companies are a strong foundation of our economy. They are doers, innovation leaders, and are committed to sustainable corporate management. These companies look far into the future and do not just think quarter to quarter. This is exactly why they deserve their recognition as a Best Managed Company," says Markus Seiz, Director at Deloitte Private and Head of the Best Managed Companies Program. With this award, Sennheiser now joins a network of the best-managed mid-sized companies in more than 45 countries. The award ceremony took place on May 23 in Frankfurt.

About the Sennheiser Group 

Building the future of audio and creating unique sound experiences for our customers - this is the aspiration that unites the employees of the Sennheiser Group worldwide. The independent family-owned company Sennheiser was founded in 1945. Today, it is managed in the third generation by Dr. Andreas Sennheiser and Daniel Sennheiser and is one of the leading manufacturers in the field of professional audio technology. ​ ​ | | | 


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Michael Jääskeläinen

Hill+Knowlton Strategies



Sennheiser-brändi lyhyesti

Äänentoisto on intohimomme. Toimintaamme ohjaa halu luoda äänentoistoratkaisuja, joilla on vaikutusta ihmisten elämään. Sennheiser-brändi on sitoutunut rakentamaan äänentoiston tulevaisuutta ja tarjoamaan asiakkailleen erinomaisia äänentoistokokemuksia jo yli 75 vuoden ajan. Ammattilaistason äänentoistoratkaisut, kuten mikrofonit, neuvottelujärjestelmät, suoratoistoteknologiat ja korvamonitorijärjestelmät, ovat osa Sennheiser electronic SE & Co. KG:n liiketoimintaa. Sonova Holding AG puolestaan vastaa kuluttajille suunnatuista laitteista, kuten kuulokkeista, soundbar-kaiuttimista ja puhetta selkeyttävistä kuulolaitteista, Sennheiserin myöntämällä lisenssillä.