Sennheiser parantaa uuden Morgan Plus Four -automallin äänentoistokokemusta
2. toukokuuta 2024
Vuonna 2022 julkistetun Morgan Plus Four -mallin parissa alkanut yhteistyö jatkuu uusimpaan Plus 4 -malliin tehtävillä päivityksillä.
Sennheiser Mobility jatkaa kumppanuuttaan Morgan Motorin pisimpään tuotannossa olleen Morgan Plus 4 -automallin kanssa päivittämällä uusimman mallin äänentoistokokemusta. Päivitys sisältää muun muassa uutta muotoilua sekä dynaamisia ja teknologisia parannuksia.
Lisää alla englanniksi.

The new Sennheiser audio system now features an intensified Sennheiser setup, designed to contribute to the immersive driving experience.
Features involving Sennheiser that are included in the Plus Four model are:
- Advanced Audio Technology Sennheiser's enhanced audio system in the Plus Four now works with actuators in the cockpit and underneath both seats as well as higher-specified conventional speakers in the doors, complementing the pre-existing layout while providing a handily improved auditory experience for driver and passenger alike. The Sennheiser tuning creates the magical illusion of a broad sound stage in front of the passengers, adding to the joy of driving the Plus Four. The new audio system also provides an even greater range of volume and increased Bluetooth range.
- Consistent Branding The Sennheiser logo is featured on speaker grilles in the Plus Four, maintaining an aesthetic consistency with the vehicle's design. The grille design is inspired by the characteristic louvres present in each Plus Four bonnet.
- Improved Usability A key consideration in the design of this audio system is usability. In the Plus Four, the Sennheiser audio technology allows drivers to pause and skip tracks using the existing volume control dial, mitigating the need for additional switches. The meaningful integration of visual feedback via the LCD screen means that the volume display and track ID are easy to check at a glance.
For further information about Sennheiser’s part in the new Morgan Plus Four please visit the full Morgan Motors press release including more images at the Morgan Motor Media site.
Michael Jääskeläinen