Sennheiser presenterar Spectera
Globala evenemang ger Sennheisers kunder såväl som media möjlighet att dyka djupare in i ny bredbandsteknik
Wedemark, 30 september 2024 – På IBC-mässans första dag introducerade Sennheiser Spectera, världens första dubbelriktade bredbandiga digitala trådlösa ekosystem. Dagen präglades av evenemang i Nashville, Hong Kong och med huvudevenemang i Amsterdam, som lockade 252 deltagare från totalt 30 nationer.
Läs vidare på engelska nedan:

The speakers at the event in Amsterdam’s De Hallen Studios took guests on an exciting journey from Sennheiser’s beginnings in wireless microphone technology in 1957 to today’s game-changing wideband approach. “It’s worth remembering that since 1957, all wireless microphone – and later also IEM – transmissions were narrowband, so Spectera really is a technology shift, for which the frequency regulations of every country needed or still need to be changed,” says co-CEO Dr Andreas Sennheiser.

After the impactful presentation, which was delivered over Spectera, guests could take a closer look at the ecosystem: Sennheiser’s engineering team manned several trial stations, where they provided deep dives into the new WMAS technology and answered any questions that participants had. Spectera SEK bidirectional bodypacks were at hand to demo the system’s impeccable digital IEM audio quality.
Several demo stations invited guests to learn more about Spectera
“The unveiling of Spectera was a milestone,” says Andreas Sennheiser. “Now is the time to grow the ecosystem together with our customers, and to continue speaking with many more regulatory authorities across the globe. What did our spectrum policy team say recently? ‘We have agreement for WMAS in over 60 countries – still more than 120 to go!’”
Watch a video of the Amsterdam Spectera presentation here.
The high-resolution images accompanying this media release can be downloaded here.
Maik Robbe