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LIPS forskningskonsortium presenterer live musikkarrangementer i sin avsluttende workshop

Oslo, 14. desember 2020 – LIPS-prosjektet (Live Interactive PMSE Services) ble lansert i april 2018 for å utvikle smarte tjenester for profesjonell produksjon av kulturelle begivenheter, og har fått enda større betydning på grunn av Covid-19. Et av de sentrale spørsmålene i forskningsprosjektet var: Hva trenger musikere når de jobber eksternt for å lage musikk sammen fra forskjellige steder? I tillegg til å undersøke dette, viste prosjektet, som ble samfinansiert av det tyske forbundsdepartementet for økonomiske saker og energi (BMWi), hvordan teorien kunne gjennomføres i løpet av den avsluttende workshopen i oktober med en imponerende live-konsert: Musikere fra de samarbeidende universitetene HMTM Hannover og HMT München spilte sammen fra forskjellige steder.

For mer informasjon, les videre på engelsk under:

Two locations, one gig: the musicians in Munich were linked up to the second half of the band, which played live in Wedemark
Two locations, one gig: the musicians in Munich were linked up to the second half of the band, which played live in Wedemark

In addition to Sennheiser, the LIPS consortium includes ARRI, TVN MOBILE PRODUCTION, Smart Mobile Labs AG, Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institut, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Nürnberg-Erlangen and Leibniz Universität Hannover. Sennheiser’s Dr Andreas Wilzeck, who chaired the consortium, explained the starting point for the team: “There are many different and contradicting statements in literature as to what is required for networked events. The LIPS project decided to take a step back and take a fresh look at what is really needed, thus creating a solid data basis for any networked production.”

Obviously, an important aspect (and hurdle) for such remote and networked productions is latency, and the consortium partners focused their efforts on achieving latency figures that are comparable to those in a standard room. In their model set-up, a fibre-optic network played an important role, as did 5G wireless as a potential option for bridging the last mile to such a cable-based network infrastructure. Other aspects included added value for the audience, for example, by offering assistive live listening with premium quality.

The jam session effectively demoed today’s state of the art. The two parts of the band could see each other in a ‘windowed’, immersive reality that felt as if their fellow-musicians were playing just a few metres behind the big screen that was part of the set-up at each location.

Andreas Wilzeck: “The concert was an impressive audio-visual demonstration of some of the LIPS technologies developed over a span of two and a half years. The consortium partners are now looking at the future practical implementation of the findings to support networked live events – a format that will enable bands to play together no matter where they are and allow productions that would not have been possible before.”

Click here for an interview with Dr Andreas Wilzeck.

Please visit the LIPS website for more information on the project and its results, plus a full video of the concluding workshop.

Ingrid Hostbjor

Hill+Knowlton Strategies

LIPS - The best way to connect live events.docx

DOCX - 1.3 Mb

LIPS - The best way to connect live events.pdf

PDF - 247 Kb


Om Sennheiser-merkevaren

Vi lever og ånder for lyd. Vi drives av lidenskapen for å utgjøre en forskjell innen lydløsninger. Sennheiser-merkevaren har bygget fremtiden for lyd og gitt våre kunder fantastiske lydopplevelser i 75 år. Profesjonelle løsninger som mikrofoner, konferansesystemer, strømmeteknologi og overvåkningssystemer er del av virksomheten til Sennheiser electronic SE & Co. KG. Vi leverer også forbrukerelektronikk som hodetelefoner, lydplanker og taleforsterkede enheter. Dette drives av Sonova Holding AG under lisens fra Sennheiser.