
Upeita audioaiheisia lahjaideoita


Juhlakauden lahjaopas äänentoiston ystäville

Mitä antaa lahjaksi audiofiilille, jolla on valikoiva ja erittäin vaativa maku? Tutustu suositun äänentoistobrändi Sennheiserin mahtaviin premium-tuotteisiin ja tarjouksiin ja säväytä lahjavalinnoillasi.

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Fill the room with joy

Class-leading spatial audio starting at €799,90

Experience your favorite holiday movies and music with childlike wonder. Sennheiser Soundbars feature AMBEO technology to reproduce the spatial realism and excitement of a multi-channel surround sound setup from a single device. Available in three sizes, they transport you to the heartbeat of the action so you can help save the holiday from bumbling thieves or recite some iconic one-liners with a cup of hot chocolate. AMBEO Soundbars can be the central hub for your smart home, too with built-in support for voice assistants, streaming music, content casting, and more. “Alexa, start my holiday classics playlist!”

The best of the best (of the best)

Jaw-dropping acoustics starting at €149,90

Speaking of holiday playlists, music is a timeless gift to give and receive. Whether it’s nostalgic vinyl or a new high-resolution release, you shouldn’t waste a single downbeat on mediocre headphones. Audiophile headphone are like a finely tailored suit—crafted from premium materials, a superb fit and of course built for everyday use. With their ability to unwrap every last detail in your music, it’s like giving the gift of hearing your favorites like never before.

  • New! HD 660S2 | versatile open-back hi-fi headphones
  • On the move! IE 200 | compact earphones for portable hi-fi
  • Splurge! HD 800S | flagship reference headphones


First Class Travel

Frequent flier smiles starting at €179,90

Coming home for the holidays should be a delight, not a burden. And for those jet setting across the globe, a premium pair of travel headphones can make the difference between a miserable journey and an entertaining one. Arrive refreshed thanks to active noise cancellation and marathon battery life that can last for days—literally! With all-day comfort and audiophile-inspired sound, that economy seat back home feels like first class. Want to pack light? True wireless options can fit in your pocket and recharge right in their case. Bluetooth connectivity lets you check in with family at a moment’s notice—but don’t forget to check the time zone before you surprise mom and dad with an evening call!


Do you hear what I hear?

Happier hearing starting at just €199,90

The human voice is the path to the heart, connecting loved ones to treasured moments in the most meaningful way. Sennheiser knows that a big announcement at the dinner table might only happen once, so they have put together a handful of solutions that easily keep up with the conversation—regardless of if it’s the dialogue buried in a TV broadcast, crowded restaurant, or holiday theatre performance.


Happy Holidays!



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Michael Jääskeläinen

Hill+Knowlton Strategies


Sennheiser-brändi lyhyesti

Äänentoisto on intohimomme. Toimintaamme ohjaa halu luoda äänentoistoratkaisuja, joilla on vaikutusta ihmisten elämään. Sennheiser-brändi on sitoutunut rakentamaan äänentoiston tulevaisuutta ja tarjoamaan asiakkailleen erinomaisia äänentoistokokemuksia jo yli 75 vuoden ajan. Ammattilaistason äänentoistoratkaisut, kuten mikrofonit, neuvottelujärjestelmät, suoratoistoteknologiat ja korvamonitorijärjestelmät, ovat osa Sennheiser electronic SE & Co. KG:n liiketoimintaa. Sonova Holding AG puolestaan vastaa kuluttajille suunnatuista laitteista, kuten kuulokkeista, soundbar-kaiuttimista ja puhetta selkeyttävistä kuulolaitteista, Sennheiserin myöntämällä lisenssillä.