
Uudistetussa Sennheiserin verkkopalvelussa nyt mukana kansainvälinen taajuusneuvonta, parannettu suodatus ja navigaatio


Uusi päivitys sisältää Sennheiser International Frequency Advisor feature (SIFA) -ominaisuuden

Wedemark/Anaheim, January 24, 2019 – Sennheiser has integrated significant refinements to its websites in the U.S., the U.K., Canada and Germany for its professional customers, with plans to launch in the rest of the world later in 2019. The new upgrades include a Sennheiser International Frequency Advisor feature (SIFA) as well as enhanced filtering and navigational elements.

The new features were implemented taking into account direct feedback from more than 1,000 customers worldwide, each of whom provided commentary on elements ranging from layout, to navigation, to the delineation between professional, business and consumer offerings. Sennheiser solicited feedback from customers in multiple rounds of research and testing.


Sennheiser’s new website implementations include a powerful new International Frequency Advisor feature, as well as layout and navigational enhancements to its Pro Audio section
Sennheiser’s new website implementations include a powerful new International Frequency Advisor feature, as well as layout and navigational enhancements to its Pro Audio section


In the Know: Sennheiser International Frequency Advisor (SIFA)
To support its professional customers around the world, Sennheiser launched a new SIFA feature on its website, providing the latest detailed information about wireless frequency spectrum on a country-by-country basis. The SIFA database is managed by an independent team of wireless managers around the world, who monitor spectrum issues and provide important information and regulatory updates each month. Currently, SIFA covers 38 countries and 27 additional countries are planned for the next website update.

SIFA is designed to provide tour managers, regional system integrators and end users with the latest information on local regulations and frequency ranges allowed for wireless microphone use in each country. In addition to a comprehensive database that lists relevant information by country, contacts are provided for local Sennheiser RF experts so customers can reach out directly if they have a pressing concern.


The Sennheiser Frequency Advisor provides users with the latest information on local regulations for wireless microphones
The Sennheiser Frequency Advisor provides users with the latest information on local regulations for wireless microphones


Navigating a closely knit community
The website improvements include an enhanced navigational architecture, which directs the customer to three possible categories as soon as he or she lands on the website: Professional Audio, Business Solutions or Headphones. The Professional Audio product pages have been redesigned so customers are able to find any desired product information, as well as seamlessly access product training, downloads, partnership information and support where necessary. In the Professional Audio section, a new Artists section has also been created, designed to help promote artists using Sennheiser products – as well as provide site visitors with information such as gear selection, tour dates and biographies.

Petro Shimonishi, Senior Marketing Manager, Professional Audio, commented: “Our journey towards improving our website began by asking over 1,000 customers for their feedback – both good and bad – and acting on that in a transparent way. With the updates we are hoping to serve the needs of our professional customers better. We are confident that the improvements will have a very direct and positive impact on their overall experience with our brand, and we will continue to make customer-driven improvements.”


Visit Sennheiser and Neumann at NAMM, Anaheim Convention Center North, Level 1, Booth No. 14108.


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Sennheiser-brändi lyhyesti

Äänentoisto on intohimomme. Toimintaamme ohjaa halu luoda äänentoistoratkaisuja, joilla on vaikutusta ihmisten elämään. Sennheiser-brändi on sitoutunut rakentamaan äänentoiston tulevaisuutta ja tarjoamaan asiakkailleen erinomaisia äänentoistokokemuksia jo yli 75 vuoden ajan. Ammattilaistason äänentoistoratkaisut, kuten mikrofonit, neuvottelujärjestelmät, suoratoistoteknologiat ja korvamonitorijärjestelmät, ovat osa Sennheiser electronic SE & Co. KG:n liiketoimintaa. Sonova Holding AG puolestaan vastaa kuluttajille suunnatuista laitteista, kuten kuulokkeista, soundbar-kaiuttimista ja puhetta selkeyttävistä kuulolaitteista, Sennheiserin myöntämällä lisenssillä.